Giving Back

All through the past week, I reflected back on what winZoo told me about life and recycle bins. I seemed awkward at first, selfish some time later, but in the end, after a week of having tried to use his suggestion about efficiently using my life's recycle bin, I must admit that it comes across as a more and more practical approach at living life. 

winZoo, is so good at helping me out by mean of his spontaneous life saving tips that I'm kind of, becoming a great fan of his. Sharing and spreading the message helps to make things better for the teeming millions out there. And I for one, would sure like to share whatever winZoo tells me about troubleshooting life's worries. 

Just to say a 'thank you' to him in my own way, I have decided to come out with a handbook, dedicated to winZoo, my mentor for now. I call it the Troubleshooter's Hanbook. You can go through all his tips and tricks in this piece of art that I'll be updating every now and then. The manual is  located in the Living Like Windows sidebar, and you can also read it here.

Till then, happy reading... :~)

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